[dem389] Wells Fargo center crew working on rims after the game and Giannis pushes down ladder to practice FTs

[dem389] Wells Fargo center crew working on rims after the game and Giannis pushes down ladder to practice FTs

  1. Heel turn?

    Edit: I’m fully joking but shit like this will follow him around unless he apologizes tonight and has some kind of nice gesture to those workers.

  2. Imagine if anyone but Giannis did this. Imagine if KD did this. These guys working for peanuts just want to finish up and go home and Giannis does this shit. What an absolute douchebag. That could have hurt someone too

  3. Imagine a 7 foot mountain of a human screams in your face and then throws a 12 foot ladder across the floor just because you were trying to do your job

  4. It would be hilarious if Giannis’s villain origin story was a regular season loss to the Sixers in November

  5. I’m sure those guys are actually just TV crew who have been there all day and just want to grab their equipment and go home. They would only be a couple minutes.

  6. Those workers don’t get paid enough to deal with shit like this.

    You’ve had your whole life to practice free throws bruh.

  7. Ngl I thought this would be funny to watch but that’s just super disrespectful for no reason.

  8. To everyone saying the workers should have gotten out of Giannis way, I hope your boss keeps you late next Friday

  9. Lmao this doesn’t define him but the people going out their way to downplay it are just lame.

    It’s not his stadium. Game is over. They are employees just trying to get their job done late at night. He aggressively threw a big metal ladder to the ground with people around because he had to have his way. Not to mention it looks like the other side wasn’t being worked on.

    Asshole move. Period.

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