Unseen Footage of Giannis’s brother, Thanasis, trying to mediate with MontrezL Harrell

Unseen Footage of Giannis’s brother, Thanasis, trying to mediate with MontrezL Harrell

  1. This is what happens when you have a 24 hour news cycle… stupid shit becomes news.

    Also, despite what most people here are saying, I think Giannis was in the right, clearly, Montreal is practicing, and players often stay after games..

  2. I swear this is like when there’s like a police shooting or something super serious and then new videos keep leaking, only instead of it being a serius incident it’s a few guys who play basketball…

  3. Montrezl being a straight up bully FOR NO REASON and starting talks of violence FOR NO REASON

    im a poor below average loser and have more moral standards than this “professional” athlete

    get woke

  4. Trez might be the biggest douchebag in the league at this point. I really want to be there when he tries this shit on the wrong one.

  5. Lol Montrezl is a clown. He brings drama wherever he goes. No one cares how hard you are dude.

  6. If a dude saying all that after walking away and creating another 10ft of distance, he is not tryna fight. Talk that shit when you were close up and not after. Thanasis got that Yam diet.

  7. Just want to point out that Triple L wasn’t talking any kind of shit until he walked away. You had a chance to say that right there in his face, but waited til you was 20 feet away to say I’ll beat your ass. Fake tough guy.

  8. Harrell gives me Warren Sapp vibes. Try to speak to him like a normal person and he goes all big eyes and talks over everything being trashy

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