Abbotsford drops third straight with 5-3 loss to the Marlies: THE FARMIES™ post game

Abbotsford drops third straight with 5-3 loss to the Marlies: THE FARMIES™ post game

  1. So we’ve got good vibes in Vancouver again! Rebuild discussions are back off the table.

    Unfortunately, the Farm isn’t maintaining those good vibes!

    After a pretty embarrassing regulation loss to the 28th ranked team in the league on Wednesday, the Farm followed it up with a no-show effort against the Toronto Marlies. A team midway through a triple-header weekend.

    **Stock watch:**


    Linus Karlsson

    Tristen Nielsen

    Arshdep Bains


    Jett Woo (read game recap for proof)

    Danila Klimovich (read game recap for proof — warning, he is not featured in it at all because he didn’t do anything)


    Overall, it was a bizarre tedious and rough game for Abbotsford. Toronto’s a top-tier team in the AHL, but to not outwork a team coming off a game that finished not even 12 hours prior? OOF

    As always, throw your questions in the replies and I’ll try to answer them!

  2. Is anyone else getting a client side error trying to reach or is my Australian internet just shit?

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