Terrance Ross confirming everything we thought

Terrance Ross confirming everything we thought

Terrance Ross confirming everything we thought from OrlandoMagic

  1. I’m just surprised we still have fans out there who think this is a natural occurrence. All it takes is a little bit of common sense and paying attention to these injury timelines to realize something fishy is going on behind the scenes.

  2. As I’ve said for a while now in many posts and keep getting pushback on: we need new owners. Until the very top changes very little else will matter long term. We get a few good years with this core and they move on to bigger cities with better owners who consistently try to win.

  3. It’s called smart business

    Best prospect since Lebron

    We aren’t a .500 team, so you might as well be bottom 4.

    One more year guys…

  4. he also believes in lizard ppl and jews running the world so idk why you wanna take what he says he thinks while streaming as evidence

  5. The only thing that doesn’t add up to me is why they’re letting Franz play through a torn ligament. He’s the only reason why we’ve even been competitive so why not sit him if we’re trying to tank?

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