Banned for a year….

Banned for a year….

  1. Sang:

    “We only hate Blues
    We only hate Blues
    We’re not Racists
    We only hate Blues”

    Blues fans behind me thought it was funny. Towards the end of the game another Avs fan threw a beer at me.

    That’s it. Banned for a year. No other juicy details.

  2. So what’d you do?

    I had my sth rep call me asking about a group of guys in row 3. I was in row 1 and genuinely didn’t notice the group 2 rows back. Now I moved to row 2 and yes they are obnoxious every game. I wish I told my rep to boot them when I had the chance.

  3. Wow , kids hockey games in Canada get more rowdy than that and the parents are usually told to miss a game unless their pissed drunk

  4. Your chant wasn’t funny. It was just stupid because it doesn’t make sense. Bringing up the word “racist” without being clear about your meaning is bound to attract the wrong kind of attention. If your own side is slinging beers at you, take that as a sign that you were way more obnoxious than was acceptable for the setting.

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