What are we naming this elite duo?

What are we naming this elite duo?

  1. devin booker… devin… heaven
    deandre ayton… ayton… satan
    heaven satan
    satan fell from heaven like lighting (Luke 10:18)
    ayton played for the arizona wildcats… booker played for the kentucky wildcats… wildcats

    lightning + wildcats… hmmmm 🤔

    Lusifee is the name of a wildcat spirit in native american folklore. Lusifee sounds like Lucifer. Lucifer is satans name. Natives call the wildcat spirit Lusifee because he has traits of the devil. DA is plays like a devil when he is good. DA is Lusifee

    Tokoch Kachina is the name of another Native American wildcat spirit, he is one of the Angry Kachinas who is expected to keep the idlers at work. this sounds like booker. booker is tokoch

    back to lightning. Thor has lightning.

    thor + Lusifee + tokoch = Thor-Fee-to

    This duo is called ThorFeeToh

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