As we reach a new month, here are our upcoming games. How do you think they’ll fare? Predict our record.

As we reach a new month, here are our upcoming games. How do you think they’ll fare? Predict our record.

  1. Some of these dates are wrong ATL and NO aren’t back to back and the Phoenix game is on Christmas.

  2. I didn’t think it would confuse people, but the dates are in my timezone (GMT). Hawks to NOLA is not a back-to-back.

    Again: Ignore the dates. Just answer the question!!

  3. 3 out of the next 4 on the road, jesus christ they’ve only got 41 road games this year. NBA trying to wrap up the travel season before the new year or something?

    I won’t make any prediction, I’m the worst with that. Only want to say that from what I’ve seen this year (and in the past), the Nuggets team can beat anyone, anytime. I don’t remember when I saw a full-strength Nuggets team just get plain beat and concluded that the problem is that the other team is simply better. Maybe Boston? They lose a lot of games by playing like dogshit / losing focus…or due to a weak bench (which seems to be really improved lately). If they could lock in, they’d challenge Boston for best record in the league, I really believe it.

  4. Whats crazy is nuggets should be favorite in all these games being that we get phx at home! Assuming we stay healthy and in rhythm a 12 and 2 month is possible! Lets start new year at 26 and 9 and 1st in West!

  5. Probably something like 20-0 over our next 14. If it’s anything less then it’s Malone’s fault.

  6. We Beat Atlanta, Idk about New Orleans tbh could go both ways. We beat Dallas, Portland Utah Washington The Lakers and Charlotte, lose one to Memphis. Beat Portland here at home again. Phoenix could go both ways, hopefully we win. Win one in Sacramento lose one in Sacramento. We Beat Miami.

  7. 9-6 baring giving some games and stuff, but that’s best case scenario/realistically thinking.

  8. 9-5 (losses B2B against Atlanta and NO, B2B losses to Memphis and Portland and than a loss to Sacramento)

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