Anyone see this garbage tweet trending on Twitter yesterday? Blonde is Mikayla Demaiter, former PWHL goaltender

Anyone see this garbage tweet trending on Twitter yesterday? Blonde is Mikayla Demaiter, former PWHL goaltender

  1. Yes I saw it.

    There was some pushback, but what was even scarier were how many people were agreeing with her.

    I feel like I see black women attacking white women on Twitter for no reason a lot more often nowadays

  2. I’m never surprised. The internet never fails to bring out the absolute worst of humanity.

  3. Twitter isn’t a plac for well reasoned thinking. Just scroll through mindlessly and try not think too hard about what randos on the internet think

  4. Attractive white girl is only attractive to white racists…I’m sure men of all other races are totally turned off by this girl 🙄

  5. So you’re racist if you think shes hot or you’re racist if you like hockey or both? I’m confused lol

  6. Calm down boys. If this tweet wasnt in the context it is you’d all be demhumanizing and sexualizing this goaltender all over this sub all while agreeing with the r/hockey philosphies about how womens pro hockey isn’t a real thing and shouldnt be dicussed in professional mens leagues forums …

    Buncha fucking white knights ..

  7. Oh this is racist! I honestly thought it was about a transgender woman who was a new hockey member on a woman’s team, because of the blue/pink/white pads.

  8. I’m a white racist hockey fan and I don’t like her… kidding. I’m not white.

  9. Twitter is garbage and people should just abandon it. We should probably ditch most of this bull shit really.

  10. I saw it. Wouldn’t mind seeing it a few more times, if we’re being honest. Also, that commenter is an idiot.

  11. I think she meant to say “why this look like a chick any dude would wanna bang no matter what race they are?”

  12. As someone who is black…. We do not recognize the Twitter poster as a valid speaker. Something about big butts and an inability to lie and if you’ve seen Miss Demaiters’ Instagram you will know I am indeed not lying.

    Besides that she was a kick ass goalie. I’ll never get the idea that because a woman takes a hot ass photo in a certain attire she is “only for *insert controversial topic*” when:

    1. She hasn’t to my knowledge said anything offensive

    2. Doesn’t advertise her political stances

    3. Is clearly taking a thirst trap photo

    Like it’s stupid as fuck. I’ve had to actually use mental power about politics when I could have used that energy to question why the Sabres haven’t done something or considered how to solve cancer or how to end world hunger for 40 billion dollars or why do farts smell different to people or why are dogs adorable. Am I dragging this on? Yes! If my mental effort has been wasted I am wasting someone else’s because someone is actually going to read to this point and my friend I salute you because this is just using text to speech and then a touch of editing.

  13. Wow, I always thought I was Costa Rican, turns out I’m a white racist! The more you know!

  14. Garbage tweet is garbage…

    And as a side note, and being a fellow goaltender, I just gotta say that Vaughn gear is so sweet!

  15. Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins. Shouldn’t surprise you that it brings out the worst in humanity

  16. If thinking she is hot makes me a racist, I have a whole new list of bullshit to talk to my therapist about.

  17. Funniest part is that’s Kurtis Gabriel’s girlfriend and Kurtis is known to openly show support for the homosexual and black community of any minority in general. He also played pro hockey with

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