Cardinals broadcaster Dan McLaughlin arrested, charged with DWI-Persistent which is a Felony.

Cardinals broadcaster Dan McLaughlin arrested, charged with DWI-Persistent which is a Felony.

  1. Can’t keep letting this guy get away with it. For every time he’s caught you know there’s been several times he wasn’t. I hope they throw the book at his ass and the cardinals give him the boot.

  2. Soooo let’s go ahead and ask it. Who we got calling play by play next year cause he surely is done.

  3. He’s called his last Cardinals game. He almost got fired after the second. He’s done this time.

  4. Man that sucks. Pretty good odds he’s out of the booth for at least next season now. Maybe even jail time. Dude needs to figure that uber shit out before he kills someone.

  5. Hey Dan, I love ya bud, but have you thought about not getting behind the wheel when intoxicated? Probably not.

  6. I wonder if Joe Buck can come back and do cardinal games now that he’s only doing Monday night football. Probably doesn’t want to do the day to day grind but who knows.

  7. Glad no one was injured. He has struggled with his alcohol addiction. He is a fantastic play by play announcer, but it’s time to move on. He’s been one of my favorites.

    Pass the baton to Ricky Horton or Mike Claiborne.

  8. I love Danny Mac as a broadcaster, but this is beyond inexcusable. Hope he gets help and stays sober. But as we say in this game, three strikes and you’re out. Two was more than generous already.

  9. Breaks my heart man. I love listening to Dan, but this is unforgivable, and he needs to be punished just like the rest of us would

  10. Fucking booze man.

    It’s obviously got a very tight grip on Danny and recovery is a difficult thing to maintain. Luckily he didn’t injure or kill anyone. Hope he figures something out.

  11. Not only has he had 3 DUIs now, but the reports from the first 2 were shockingly bad. I believe in one he had pissed himself. In the second, the cop witnessed him running over traffic signs, he jumped a curb, and then slammed into a parked car. He’s a problem drinker and should not be driving. He’s lucky he hasn’t killed anyone and is not dead himself. Cards have to put him out to pasture.

  12. This has to cost him his job, right? They’ve given him chances before. Fire him and try to get him to get some damn help before he kills himself and/or someone else

    And he should get jail time too. He’s done this too many times.

  13. Just another sign that addiction can’t be mitigated with success or money. He had one of the coolest jobs in the world, traveled the country, hung out with sports stars, and he still couldn’t beat addiction.

    Losing all of this definitely won’t help, I’m sure, but three times is two more than we would get.

  14. Dude, Dan, I love your broadcasting, you’re really good at your job, but ya gotta get help, man. Seriously. This is not cool. Go get help, get your shit straight, and then we can enjoy what you bring to Cardonals baseball. But go. Get. Help.

  15. Any team should treat something like this seriously.

    But the Cardinals should be especially serious about it. With both Josh Hancock and Oscar Taveras having died because they were driving drunk in the past 2 decades, and McLaughlin having multiple offenses… the team response needs to be clear.

  16. Damn, I just saw Ricky Horton and Hrabosky doing Salvation Army belong ringing outside schnucks on Friday. I would’ve congratulated Ricky on the promotion had I known

  17. If I have to listen to Jim Edmond’s all the time because Danny Mac didn’t get a damn Uber…

  18. Other MLB teams out here making multi-hundred million dollar deals in the off season, and this is what we have for hot stove news…

  19. Can someone please also say that addiction is real? Not condoning actions here, but, it’s obvious addiction is horrifying

  20. Ah shit. Was really hoping he had cleaned up. But he’s gotta be gone next season, this is inexcusable.

  21. Damn it Dan! I don’t know if he can come back from this 😢. One of one favorite announcers for us.

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