Best day of this guys life- sharing the green with JoeyB

Best day of this guys life- sharing the green with JoeyB

Best day of this guys life- sharing the green with JoeyB from bengals

  1. The dude could throw a baby 50 yards down field and I’d still run through a brick wall for him.

  2. They must be loaded to pay Joe Burrow to play golf behind them while they’re getting married.


  3. I see people taking random wedding of engagement photos semi frequently just while I’m out and about. I’m with Joe here because I’m not gonna stop and cross the street through traffic, it’s not go into the store I’m about to go into because people are taking pictures there. I’ll say, “excuse me” and walk right through their shoot. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  4. As an avid golfer I can’t help but wonder what Joe is like on the course. I’m sure he’s a solid player given his elite touch/ hand-eye coordination/ athleticism/ focus/ competitive nature. But he also doesn’t drink so he’d probably cringe watching me shotgun beers every 3rd hole

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