This picture goes so hard.

This picture goes so hard.

  1. Illegal hands to the face, defense. 5yard penalty, automatic first down. – refs, probably.

  2. Yeah he’d literally slap the shit out of people first thing. Just ring their bell and run over them.

  3. December 20, 1998: Packers defeat the Tennessee Oilers 30-22

    I remember spamming the swim move in Madden 98 with Reggie, lol

    Oh and please don’t forget, Jerry Rice fumbled

  4. Had a class assignment to write to a famous person. I picked him. He wrote back pen on paper, and an autographed picture. I played his position in school. Coolest thing for a middle school kid.

  5. Missed an opportunity to say… “This picture _slaps_ so hard” 😂

    … I’ll see myself out of the room now

  6. My boss played in the NFL for a few years and I once asked him who was the best athlete he ever went up against? He said Reggie White.

  7. Other players talk about him like he was the one Thanos was modeled after. Truly absurd stories.

    Tony Stark: “No, no. He hit me with a planet.”

    Chris Carter: He threw me at my Quarterback.

    Dante Culpepper: He sacked me with my own wide receiver.

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