Waiting on the Bengals like…

Waiting on the Bengals like…

  1. I was at a soccer camp that Sporting was hosting, they were the Wizards but no longer the Wiz at this point in time. We took a bus from Oceans of Fun back to Arrowhead and the bus broke down under the Independence bridge. The bus driver was maybe 18 and looked like he was on the precipice of quitting and just walking away. The cops came to divert traffic and somehow upon checking the drivers license determined his license was suspended. So they put him in the cop car in front of a bus full of like 40 teenagers and I have never heard a roast session as intense as what the bus driver was on the receiving end of. Eventually someone brought another bus and got us back to camp but we were all way too rambunctious to be reeled in once we got back to Arrowhead. My mom had to drive from Leavenworth and pick me up once they canceled the for the day. I love this bridge.

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