Someone’s really gotta take Baker’s twitter away from him.

Someone’s really gotta take Baker’s twitter away from him.

  1. Who cares let him think what he wants, stop trying to censor people because they don’t think how you want them to.

  2. “We can’t make this stuff up”

    Proceeds to share something that’s totally made up.

  3. I don’t really care if he’s a flat earth anti Vax all government officials are lizard people kinda guy (the last one is true anyway)

    As long as he plays football well for the Dolphins I’ll root for him

  4. this looks like a transit map where someone removed all the stations and put this stuff in their places 😭

  5. He’s got a right to believe whatever he wants to believe just like he’s got a right to earn a paycheck via the head trauma that facilitates the entertainment of these same thoughts.

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