This sub when Carr throws the ball at a rubber dummy at a meaningless competition

This sub when Carr throws the ball at a rubber dummy at a meaningless competition

  1. Lmfao I bet you’re blowing Josh McDaniels for less though. Imagine supporting that joke of a head coach.

  2. It still shows accuracy. I know there’s more to playing QB than just accuracy, but it’s still impressive.

  3. Felt like this was his mini camp. Maybe we get more for him after this.. or not. I’m sad he’s going I’ve accepted it and ready to move on.

  4. Lolololol 9 year loser. I’m so excited for next year. No joke. Anything is better watch

  5. Hey, it’s best he looks fantastic, and his team keeps greasing the pundits…. Because just a month ago they all hated him.

    Compensation would be ideal

  6. This guy lives rent free in his haters’ heads. Jesus Christ you gotta let it go already. Maybe try and actually root for the team to win for once

  7. 😂😂😂😂 this made me laugh thanks man.

    Idk why but the fact that everyone’s mad at you for a silly ass post like this makes it funnier

  8. Another overweight armchair critic posting to hate on Carr when he’s not even our qb anymore

  9. His brother is posting that Michael Jordan “so I took it personally” meme. Dude, that does not apply to looking good at the pro bowl haha.

  10. This competition would be more fun if Chris Jones was chasing down the QBs while trying to make these throws.

  11. Different things can be true.

    Glad DC balled out, but also glad we moved on. I couldn’t handle another year. Accuracy was never much his issue when he is locked in. The problem is the other stuff.

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