[GMFB] “Jonathan Gannon is your fired up, let’s go, high energy guy… This is a totally different personality than Kingsbury.” @PSchrags with details on the @AZCardinals head coach hire

[GMFB] “Jonathan Gannon is your fired up, let’s go, high energy guy… This is a totally different personality than Kingsbury.” @PSchrags with details on the @AZCardinals head coach hire

  1. Weird that as soon as I saw “fired up”, I read the quote in Shrager’s voice before seeing it was actually him


  2. Always interesting to think about how different personalities could impact a team. Like Reid has had the most success lately and he seems like he’d be chill. BA definitely tried to fire guys up.

    Kliff seemed like he knew he was supposed to fire people up, but didn’t need it himself so he sounded kinda forced. Thats always how I felt about hopping around and pep rallies and shit in high school lol.

    Kyler is the type of dude that does his job and expects everyone else to be firing on the same cylinders. Probably good to have a coach that will hopefully get those that “need fired up” ready to go for game day.

  3. You know Gannon has confidence because he has the high energy and a smaller chin without growing a beard to compensate

  4. PERFECT match for the Peeonix area too. High energy fucking extroverts are very appreciated there.

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