[John Perrotto] “Bryan Reynolds said this morning his trade request with the Pirates still stands. However, he also would be willing to reopen talks on a long-term contract extension.”

[John Perrotto] “Bryan Reynolds said this morning his trade request with the Pirates still stands. However, he also would be willing to reopen talks on a long-term contract extension.”

  1. Lost in the shuffle of all the contract questions is that Reynolds spent 3 days a week personally hitting with Andy Haines. .300+ 25 HR season incoming

  2. This kinda confirms what I’ve been assuming, Reynolds’ trade request is purely money driven and it’s about him wanting to secure his long term deal. He doesn’t have an issue with playing for the Pirates, he just wants to get his long term deal now. If it’s not from the Pirates, he wants to be traded somewhere that will give him that deal.

  3. Lol the notification I got from bleacher report made it seem like he wants out right now no talks about a new contract or extension. These sports apps really try to make this stuff dramatic and the trade request is only there so Reynolds can get more money

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