[Mae] Manager John Schneider was out at lunch with his wife, when a woman at another table was choking and couldn’t breathe. Schneider rushed to her aid, performed the Heimlich maneuver, and saved her. Just another day in the life… #BlueJays

[Mae] Manager John Schneider was out at lunch with his wife, when a woman at another table was choking and couldn’t breathe. Schneider rushed to her aid, performed the Heimlich maneuver, and saved her. Just another day in the life… #BlueJays

  1. Holy fuck Schneids, just out there saving lives now?! Does the skip *have* to go this hard??

  2. The Legend of John Schneider continues to add chapters. If this keeps up, he’s going to have his own memes like Chuck Norris.

  3. Once again proving why he’s far better than Montoyo was. Truly a great leader for the Blue Jays.

  4. The story is being mis-reported. Schneider didn’t actually perform the Heimlich maneuver. He calmly walked over, told the woman to touch his beard and the food came flying out on its own.

  5. My wife would’ve made me sleep on the couch for helping another woman instead of letting her die. /s

  6. It’s not called the Heimlich Manuever anymore…it’s now called the Jay-thrust after Schneider performed the act.

  7. slow motion replay of Schneider lifting the commissioners trophy while that ‘how to save a life song’ plays in the background confirmed this fall.

  8. Meanwhile half the owners in the league would have tried to stop him from saving her, if they could have.

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