Does anyone remember getting these wooden minis back in the day?

Does anyone remember getting these wooden minis back in the day?

  1. Mine all had a piece of electrical tape in the middle of the shaft holding the two pieces together after breaking them with wicked clappers

  2. We had more of the plastic ones. We’d all bring one to school and play “mini sticks” at recess. I can remember heating mine up over the stove to get a curve on it. We’d also tape wooden rulers to them so they’d have a bit more length.

  3. Yes. Still have one.

    Also still have my blue Catelli mini bat from a Blue Jay’s game. That thing was a veritable weapon.

  4. I remember that start to the 93-94 season. I sort of get the same feeling from the current squad.

  5. I had at least one of these but they never got used. Had to have the plastic with the stove top curve so I could go top cheese on my cousins from up close haha

    Completely forgot about these, thanks for the nostalgia blast.

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