‘I Hope Joe Burrow Takes A Team-Friendly Deal,’ Says Fan Who Will Be Laid Off Without Severance

‘I Hope Joe Burrow Takes A Team-Friendly Deal,’ Says Fan Who Will Be Laid Off Without Severance

  1. This is my sentiment. Like, why do fans expect him to not maximize his earnings when you wouldn’t do the same at your job. Who’s gonna turn down a raise to be like, “na I want to make sure Mike in HR gets his fair cut. We’re gonna take this company to fortune #1”. Nobody ever. We’re lucky this isn’t baseball or Joe would be gone or surrounded by futility like votto

  2. It’s just crazy to me that Joe is on the Onion now, hah. I just got a flyer from my kids’ school saying that theyll be having a pizza day and giving a free bag of food for families over spring break, to help make up for those that don’t get free lunches during spring break. All from the Athens County Food Pantry, which of course has a huge chunk of money thanks to Joe. Get that money, man.

  3. Joe Burrow is like the personification of that JJ Watt quote after signing a $100 million deal, “I plan to always be underpaid”.

    I don’t understand the fear (I know it’s a fake article but some are worried about his deal). We have an elite QB. Future good QBs will have to sign the same deal Joe signs after he signs it. We are at a perpetual advantage while Joe is in his Prime.

  4. I’m sure I’m missing something obvious. What is the Onion article saying exactly? Is it just that the fan should support Burrow getting as much as possible because he’s about to learn that companies (like the Bengals) can just cast you off when you are no longer valuable?

  5. Still apples and oranges. I would gladly do most any job and put up with almost any boss for 10 plus million a year. For 30k though? No fuckin’ way.

  6. Seriously, Joe has every right to wring out as much money as he possibly can. That doesn’t mean i don’t want him to give a little “keep the core” discount, but I will feel no ill will if he doesn’t

  7. The real difference is that an NFL player (top QB in particular) can still obtain generational wealth on a team-friendly deal. Which is obviously not the case in the ticky-tacky corporate world.

  8. Joe deserves whatever deals he wants. But if one QB is going to take less in order to win, it’s him.

    He was so close to the trophy two years in a row, I don’t think his priority is money right now, he definitely wants to go back and win it all, for years. He’s a competitor, why wouldn’t he get paid a few millions less so they can improve the online or retain core pieces?
    He’s not going do it for the team, he’s going to do it for himself

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