Announcing the official /r/RedSox Discord Server!

That’s right, the subreddit now [has its own Discord server](! A lot of the other sports subreddits have them and it felt like it was time to have other ways to keep the community in touch and growing outside of Reddit.

This is something people have been asking for for quite a while now. We had previously decided not to make a Discord server because some were worried it would take away from Game Threads, but that was when we had 100k fewer subscribers than we have today. The mod team feels like that will be less of an issue today than it could have been a few years ago. In addition, we plan to keep regular Game Threads going here on Reddit just like before with no changes to how they operate.

We hope you’ll join us on the new server but if you’re not a fan of Discord or don’t want to join us over there, that’s fine too.

**You can visit the new Discord server here:**

  1. Question for people who understand discord: can I have different names for different discord servers without paying extra? I’m already on another discord with my real name, and definitely wouldn’t want to be using that here as well

  2. How is the going to impact the GDTs? I feel like it might divide the members here into half in there and half in the GDTs

    Edit: I worded this poorly and made it sound more whiney than intended and like I didn’t even read the post. I just worry that I’m going to have to try to balance both to communicate with yall instead of just the GDTs like previous seasons

  3. If I might ask, what is it about *simulating* a live chat by using a reddit thread that appeals to people over actually having a livechat? I’m confused what the point of GDTs are if we could just chat in Discord. I want to hear why people prefer GDT to just chatting hype reactions in real time instead.

    We already have the reddit stream thing where we basically do that anyway but with a small latency, so what’s the point?

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