Fun Fact: The Colts used to be called the Boston Yanks, and were the Texans before the Houston Texans.

Fun Fact: The Colts used to be called the Boston Yanks, and were the Texans before the Houston Texans.

  1. Dayton Triangles (1919-1930)

    Brooklyn Dodgers (1930-1945)

    Merged with Boston Yanks (1945-1949)

    New York Bulldogs (1949-1950)

    New York Yanks (1950-1952)

    Dallas Texans (1952-1953)

    Baltimore Colts (1953-1984)

    Indianapolis Colts (1984-Present)

  2. Lol in the 40s they thought having a team called the Yanks play in Fenway was smart?

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