Pop says he thinks Bassey suffered a cracked patella. “Somebody hit me with that at halftime,” Pop said. “Poor guy, he was just learning how to play.”

Pop says he thinks Bassey suffered a cracked patella. “Somebody hit me with that at halftime,” Pop said. “Poor guy, he was just learning how to play.”

  1. I thought it was his achilles at first based on how he landed. Didn’t land on anyone’s foot, just went down.

    Darnit. Hope he recovers well and gets some good run next year.

  2. >Poor guy, he was just learning how to play.”

    Damn Pop making it sound like he died

  3. “Cracked patella” sounds like a bone injury but I cant say Ive ever heard of that injury happening on a fall like Bassey had.

    I’ve heard of torn patellar tendons and those are brutal (essentially ended Andre Roberson’s career). I hope he is ok.

    Kick its ass C. Bass 🙁

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