Can’t believe other fans have the audacity to say the Suns don’t have a right to call out the free throw merchants in the NBA and non basketball plays from players like Giannis and Luka. “bEcAuSe wE hAvE CP3 aNd BoOkEr”

Can’t believe other fans have the audacity to say the Suns don’t have a right to call out the free throw merchants in the NBA and non basketball plays from players like Giannis and Luka. “bEcAuSe wE hAvE CP3 aNd BoOkEr”

  1. Bro you’re actually circling Ayton’s ft attempts as if he deserves more? Can’t believe suns fans have the audacity to say that…

  2. They like to play both sides in saying because of cp3 and book we flop and get a shit ton of fouls while in the same breath they will say we shouldn’t expect more free throws because we are a jump shot team

  3. yeah but cp3 does his pull through move once every 3 games hes basically free throw hitler

  4. Honestly think the best way to determine how screwed over we are is by pulling shot chart data.

    I personally think it’s a little weird that we get basically no love from refs when it comes to free throws, but you can’t really compare Booker to Giannis even if it came down ft/fga. One person finesses his way around the court and likes midrange, the other is a human bulldozer that gets the majority of his shots at the rim.

    I’d be curious to see if there are players with similar charts to someone like Book and their fta/fga

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