LETS GOOOO. Best case scenario everybody. Team needs to stay afloat and pray to God he can be back by first round.

LETS GOOOO. Best case scenario everybody. Team needs to stay afloat and pray to God he can be back by first round.

  1. I’m hesitant to believe anything about clipper injuries after “Kawhi could return during the playoffs” 2 years ago

  2. LFG!!!!! Best we could have hoped for. Letā€™s pound those Thunder fuckers tomorrow.

  3. man.. im not trying to be pessimistic but i feel like this is just a morale booster for the guys..

    fuck dude. feel like the plan is to hope and pray he magically gets better by playoff or mid playoffs..

  4. Amazing news considering he had an MRI, but still the words ” re-evaluated in 2-3 weeks” give me Vietnam flashbacks.

  5. Yep, I knew this was going to be the update. Based on Clippers medical update history, I still donā€™t feel good about thisā€¦

  6. Knew that shit was gonna be negative, problem is first round is gonna be a bitch regardless of who they play. Thereā€™s no easy first round this season.

  7. Powell needs to come back. We need to play TMann and ROCO. Morris needs to DNP.

  8. Thank the universe. I thought we saw the last of PG. Then again, they called Kawhi’s ACL a sprain too.

  9. Yeah, yā€™all must be new here.

    Deja Vu from last year with Kawhi. Not getting my hopes up again.

    Iā€™m willing to bet this man will not play even in our do-or-die play in match.

  10. “Will be reevaluated” doesn’t mean that’s when he’s coming back. How many times has Norm been “reevaluated” lately?

  11. Clippers medical staff giving us hope but then in 3 weeks theyā€™ll give us the bad news

  12. Am I the one that sees this as bad news? Re-evaluated has flash backs of ā€œKwai will be back soonā€

  13. As a wolves, and major KAT fan its really sad to see PG get hurt after his boy just gets back, but this news is hopefully good. Hope he comes back soon!

  14. So many Reddit doctors on here last night telling us heā€™s pretty much dead. šŸ˜‚

  15. I literally yelled out loud at my desk at work “WOOHOO!!!” And everyone was very confused because obviously 0 context.

  16. Dear Jason Powell and training/medical staff:

    Please don’t screw this up.



  17. LOL didnt someone comment earlier this would be the exact Clipper press release?

    I guess its good news they didn’t mention anything outright tearing, but this can still very well be a multiple month injury. This team is never transparent about injuries.

  18. Heā€™s going to be ā€œre-evaluatedā€ in 2-3 weeks. That doesnā€™t mean he will be back for the playoffs unfortunately. He could be done for the season and end up getting surgery. A ā€œknee sprainā€ is pretty ambiguous and doesnā€™t mean that a more serious injury isnā€™t there.

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