The Colorado Rockies 1993 inaugural season saw the team finish 37 games behind the Braves in the NL West (67-95). Despite this they set an all-time MLB record in fan attendance that season at 4.48 million fans, which still holds today.

The Colorado Rockies 1993 inaugural season saw the team finish 37 games behind the Braves in the NL West (67-95). Despite this they set an all-time MLB record in fan attendance that season at 4.48 million fans, which still holds today.

  1. I was at one of the games where Rockies broke the total attendance for 4 game series against the Giants in 1993. I hope this is also standing.

  2. Worked close to the stadium was able to attend thirty games that year it was so much fun. On that team first person i think of is EY, Mile High went bonkers.

  3. Side note: I was in little league then and was super jealous of the two teams from the previous season who got to change their names to the Marlins and the Rockies. Lucky bastards.

  4. Anyone remember the game against the Dodgers with two bench-clearing brawls? For the first one my dad was like “hey look, a fight, you never see this!” but after the second he decided it was time to go home so as not to set a bad example for me. I guess it worked because I haven’t been in a bench-clearing brawl since. Found out 20 years later that a friend of mine was also at that game with his dad and they also left early. He also has never been in a bench clearing brawl since then.

  5. I had such a great time those first couple of seasons. Head down to a game with a bunch of friends from Longmont on RTD for $4 and buy a ticket in the rockpile for $1.
    Those were the days.

  6. My Gma still drinks out of the souvenir cup she got from the home opener @ Mile High LMAO

  7. such a good stadium too – too bad they have potentially the worst owner in all of baseball

  8. It’s also the only time the average number of Rockies fans out numbered the visiting team. I could go to the fricken Bay Ray’s games and they outnumbered Rockies fans. If you moved to Denver because it’s so great, please adopt the Rockies. They need our help but also SELL TEAM.

  9. The city and state was so hungry for major league baseball. Fast forward to today and the Rockies organization did a great job of killing that passion and excitement.

  10. And this is the problem with the team. As long as they have good attendance, the idiot owners do not have incentive to field a competitive team, as they clearly aren’t competitive sports people. I was at the first Rockies game of all time (4.9.93), was a 15 year season ticket holder, etc. I’ll never go to another one until ownership changes.

  11. Ah Mile High Stadium. My parents went to the last ever Denver Zephyrs game together, they were newlyweds at the time, my mom got my dad tickets to the last ever Zephyrs game as a present. Mom passed away 13 years ago, she was a lifelong Bears/Zephyrs fan and Rockies fan. Miss you mom!

  12. How’s attendance been since the owners made it clear they have 0 intent to be competitive?

  13. The Rockies have single handedly killed my passion for baseball. I had so much love and optimism back then. 2007 was awesome despite the no show in the WS. 2009 gave me hope… And since then, it’s just been rotten soul draining year after rotten soul draining year. So much to the point that the only disappointment I have anymore is that we fail to reach 100 losses. I stopped watching years ago and refuse to give any more money to the Monforts.

  14. Went to coors field in April 2021 to watch Tatis Jr. Who ended up with covid. That was the game that dude punched that old man.

  15. Only set the record because the stadium is so freaken big!

    I did like some of the players though. Bichette, Galaraga, and others that are slipping my mind

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