My brother and I created a live hockey drinking game so that we can all be winners.

My brother and I created a live hockey drinking game so that we can all be winners.

  1. So myself, u/ProJoe, and u/theletter22 all played this at a bar a few weeks ago, and it was a great time. I was sufficiently hung over the next day.

    The only critique I had was that it was a little repetitive if I remember right, at least with only 3 people. We were talking about giving it a go with 6 people instead at some point during the playoffs, to see if perhaps that would help. Could definitely throw more trivia and just more variability in there to mix it up (expansion pack idea lol) for when the group is limited in size.

    But overall, i enjoyed it.

  2. OP reached out to get permission to post this so it’s not spam.

    I played it a few weeks ago and it’s a good time! if you like to combine two of my favorite things – Coyotes hockey and brown liquor, it’s a great way to forget how bad we are!

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