How Our Whole Team Looked In Their Rookie Years

How Our Whole Team Looked In Their Rookie Years

  1. And here i thought Vuc played in Orlando his whole NBA career before joining the Bulls, wow

  2. AC on that Benjamin Button grind.

    Guys, as a woman, please use his pic to inspire you to shave it off if you are worried about it. You can grow back what you have but it might look so much better without.

  3. Not to get nitpickey but that pic of Derozan is prob from 2014/15, not his rookie year

  4. Haha I bet if I dig deep enough I could find a pic of Javonte at my apartment when I had a party back at Radford. Proud of him for making it to the league.

  5. Caruso and Pat Williams figured out how to avoid rookie hazing. Just look 50 and you can skate.

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