Look for this to be released today

Look for this to be released today

  1. This is the worst April fools day joke of all time. You should be ashamed of yourself! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

  2. …and Mr. Snyder is focused and prepared to make selections at this years draft.

  3. Theyโ€™re going to address fan concerns by bringing back the most successful executive of the Snyder era; Mr Cerrato, welcome home!

  4. Snyder comes out today and says the whole sale was an elaborate April fools prank and weโ€™re stuck with him for decades.

  5. Been waiting for this today. Worse would be that the team was sold only to be a joke! Fuck Dan Snyderemote:free_emotes_pack:poop

  6. What if Dan pulls a reverse uno and actually sells the team today so no one believes it.

  7. This is the most fucked up April fools of all time, you should be castrated!

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