Here’s a list of the pitchers who have won 3 or more Cy Young awards. Kershaw, Verlander, and Scherzer are still active. Clemens leads with 7 all time.

Here’s a list of the pitchers who have won 3 or more Cy Young awards. Kershaw, Verlander, and Scherzer are still active. Clemens leads with 7 all time.

  1. Why do Scherzer and a Verlander share a slot like they have less than the other ones with 3 lol

  2. I wish Scherzer and Verlander had stayed together a la Maddox/Smoltz/Glavine. The sum total of the two of them may be greater than the sum total of the other three.

  3. The fact that Kershaw got his own square while Sherzander share one makes my fuckin day

    Edit: also I love the photo choice of Randy Johnson. Fuck them birds

  4. Koufax won his awards when they only gave out one for the whole major leagues, not one each for the NL and AL.

  5. I watched Randy pitch when he came to Houston for the second half of a season. He went, if I remember right, 10-1. He was so damn awesome in his prime.

  6. If only there were a proper way to honor Roger Clemens career accomplishments….. baseball should really think about creating a place to honor the all-time greats

  7. Greg Maddox was probably the best pitcher I have seen but Pedro had the nastiest stuff ever!

  8. It surprised me that Carlton only won 4. He was so dominant over such a long career. He was notorious for not speaking to reporters. I’m wondering if that cost him a couple of awards.

  9. And yet one of the most dominant pitchers ever doesn’t have a single one. Nolan Ryan.

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