Timberwolves Bench Altercation

Timberwolves Bench Altercation

  1. Being a colossal dumbass comes with getting upset when your teammate calls you out I guess.

    All we can hope for is that it galvanizes us and we can come together stronger after this, but fuck this is a baaaaaad bad look.

  2. 100% need to get him off this team. Fucking overrated bum. Always though that, but talked myself into it working and being worth it. Get whatever you can, don’t give a shit how much we “lose” on paper.

  3. Rudy has to go. fuck all of you for defending Rudy when everything pointed at him being a horrific trade.

  4. I can only hope that somehow this is the event that finally brings this team together.

  5. Rudy is a punk bitch. Can’t take criticism from a team player like Kyle

    Edit: yeah keep downvoting me Rudy defenders. I don’t give a fuck. Won’t change the fact that Rudy is soft as baby shit

  6. Wonder what Tim Connelly is thinking watching this? He did tie his fate to this one weird guy after all

  7. Man fuck Rudy. Been playing like shit this game, likely gets called on it by Kyle, then punches him because he doesn’t like the truth. Bitch made nonsense right here.

  8. loser mentality. Playins/playoffs in a few days and you can’t swallow your beef

  9. I’ve always kept a cool head I would say about the state of the team. Not anymore. Fuck this guy.

  10. Get him the FUCK out of town and take that GD GM with!!! So fucking pissed right now. 😡😡😡

  11. Anybody else done caring even a little bit? These geniuses gave up our entire draft haul for the rest of the decade, and not only does the guy they got for that haul fucking suck, he’s pushing teammates around and trying to fight them on the bench??

    Fuck this lol

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