Your weekly /r/caps roundup for the week of April 03 – April 09

**Monday, April 03 – Sunday, April 09**

###Top videos

| score | comments | title & link |
| 87 | [8 comments](/r/caps/comments/12gyek6/for_those_tired_of_seeing_mock_draft_posts_heres/) | [For those tired of seeing mock draft posts, here’s a classic: Tom Wilson knocking out Jamie Oleksiak.](|
| 29 | [1 comments](/r/caps/comments/12d63hw/oh_death_traditional_american_two_finger_ukulele/) | [Oh Death – Traditional American Two Finger Ukulele](|
| 2 | [0 comments](/r/caps/comments/12g5ryf/recap_fla_wsh/) | [Recap: FLA @ WSH](|
| 2 | [0 comments](/r/caps/comments/12e62md/recap_wsh_mtl/) | [Recap: WSH @ MTL](|


###Questions / Discussions

| score | comments | title & link |
| 146 | [54 comments](/r/caps/comments/12gn5t3/can_we_ban_mock_draft_posts/) | `[Discussion]` Can we ban mock draft posts?|
| 56 | [126 comments](/r/caps/comments/12e38tf/with_caps_eliminated_who_do_you_want_to_see_raise/) | `[Discussion]` With caps eliminated, who do you want to see raise the cups this year?|
| 11 | [62 comments](/r/caps/comments/12attq9/laviolette_getting_fired_odds/) | `[Question]` Laviolette getting fired odds|
| 6 | [6 comments](/r/caps/comments/12c0r8o/do_we_ever_learn/) | `[Question]` Do we ever learn|
| 4 | [19 comments](/r/caps/comments/12e9w3k/what_are_gmbm_best_and_worst_3_moves_since_the/) | `[Discussion]` What are GMBM best and worst 3 moves since the Stanley cup?|


###Game thread comments

| score | comment |
| 35 | /u/RYAN_HiGHROLLER said [Fucking over the Penguins and improving our draft position. The best thing a loss can provide.](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfirci9/?context=5) |
| 33 | /u/beardyman22 said [I do like how Strome clearly hasn’t quit on the season. I feel like he’s been playing hard every night.](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfitn5f/?context=5) |
| 14 | /u/basketcase2121 said [Caps honestly kept it closer and more interesting than expected. Losing was for the best – draft positioning…and of course FTP. Win-win-win](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfis50t/?context=5) |
| 11 | /u/mark_dink said [The tank continues bois!!!! Keep it up](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfjcwg9/?context=5) |
| 11 | /u/eshlow said [Up to 6% in the lottery. Lol](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfir94u/?context=5) |
| 10 | /u/INMATEofARKHAM said [Just a broadcast note: Capitals prospect Ryan Chesley and the University of Minnesota are playing on ESPN right now in the Frozen 4.](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfirkbs/?context=5) |
| 9 | /u/Haul_o_GRam said [Canucks win, Caps are basically in the worst (best) spot they can be in for the draft](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfjad69/?context=5) |
| 9 | /u/TheBarbieOfSeville said [Well at least several tvs broke in Pittsburgh](/r/caps/comments/12fnbol/game_thread_florida_panthers_41317_at_washington/jfiqatz/?context=5) |
| 8 | /u/InfallibleBackstairs said [Thank you Canucks!](/r/caps/comments/12g5d1r/post_game_thread_florida_panthers_at_washington/jfjal0l/?context=5) |
| 7 | /u/Hiddenbehindawall said [Wilson shouldn’t have gotten a penalty wtf](/r/caps/comments/12fnbol/game_thread_florida_panthers_41317_at_washington/jfin3sl/?context=5) |


###Top Remaining Posts

| score | comments | title & link |
| 188 | [56 comments](/r/caps/comments/12ei9wr/guys_its_possible_i_only_had_to_sim_the_lottery/) | `[Photo]` [Guys, it’s possible, I only had to sim the lottery 34 times!](|
| 186 | [6 comments](/r/caps/comments/12cllvj/capitals_the_gr8_has_been_a_washington_capital/) | [[Capitals] The #Gr8 has been a Washington Capital for half his life 🤯](|
| 150 | [64 comments](/r/caps/comments/12c4atn/caps_eliminated_from_playoff_contention_players/) | Caps eliminated from playoff contention, players react|
| 137 | [49 comments](/r/caps/comments/12fjo84/i_hope_the_caps_lose_the_next_two_games/) | I hope the Caps lose the next two games.|
| 127 | [11 comments](/r/caps/comments/12g3jwt/kraken_fan_coming_in_peace_visiting_some_family/) | Kraken fan coming in peace. Visiting some family and saw they had something y’all might think is cool!|
| 123 | [15 comments](/r/caps/comments/12ax38b/rasmus_sandin_hopes_to_carve_out_long_career_with/) | Rasmus Sandin hopes to carve out long career with Capitals|
| 111 | [16 comments](/r/caps/comments/12gn3u5/tom_wilson_continues_to_emerge_as_strong_leader/) | Tom Wilson Continues To Emerge As Strong Leader For Capitals, Refuses To Be Part Of Any Late Tank|
| 104 | [7 comments](/r/caps/comments/12cigul/my_dudes_and_babes/) | `[Photo]` [My dudes and babes](|
| 82 | [9 comments](/r/caps/comments/12erg3a/strome_says_caps_still_have_something_to_play_for/) | Strome Says Caps Still Have Something To Play For|
| 77 | [45 comments](/r/caps/comments/12dsj27/ovechkin_discusses_caps_missing_playoffs/) | Ovechkin Discusses Caps Missing Playoffs|


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    ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/caps or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.

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