Help- Saw this Cooch Retro stitched jersey for $40 at a flea market. Thought the price was too good to be true but it looks like an authentic stitched. Is this worth it?

Help- Saw this Cooch Retro stitched jersey for $40 at a flea market. Thought the price was too good to be true but it looks like an authentic stitched. Is this worth it?

  1. Even if it was fake, if the quality is really that good and $40, just buy it. Very worth it

  2. Regardless, I say if you can’t tell, and you’d enjoy wearing it, buy it.

    I’m broke. I do anything I can to save money.

  3. I mean based on pics it looks legit.

    Like other comments even if it’s a fake it’s a good fake for $40

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