MLB Team Map – based on latitude/longtitude proximity of the cities represented (V.2 !)

MLB Team Map – based on latitude/longtitude proximity of the cities represented (V.2 !)

  1. Pretty sure I saw “Version 1” yesterday but now I can’t find it.

    What changes were made?

  2. Cubs and Sox areas are really weird. The Cubs are overall a more popular team and it looks like all of Cook County goes to the Sox which is not true irl

  3. Iā€™m calling bullshit on the Rockies empire. They were an expansion in the mid 90ā€™s and most people outside of Colorado already had established fandoms with other local teams.

  4. u/FascismIsWhtIDntLike u/KillingIdols

    Y’all do understand this is NOT a fan map, and never claimed to be, right?

    It’s literally just the MLB team closest to each county.

  5. How did you run the calculation for distance ? Did you just loop through each ball park location to all other counties ?

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