My parents got this for me at my first Pirates game in 91(?) and it still fits!

My parents got this for me at my first Pirates game in 91(?) and it still fits!

  1. Bonds, Van Slyke, Bonilla… Drabek, LaValliere, Bell, King, Lind, etc. Loved that team!

  2. I doubt I could fit into a single thing I owned at 9 at this point

    But this is a WILDLY cool vintage tee

  3. Awesome shirt!

    When I was a kid I had a “Killer B’s” shirt that was Bonds, Bonilla, Bell, Bream and Backman, same era of cartoon portraits. No way that would fit now 🤣


  4. Wow that shirt is awesome. I think my first game was in 91 also ( I was turning 3 lol)

    My dad took me to the ’97 all star game in cleveland. I still have my shirt from that and the seat cushions we got.

    There’s always been something so special about baseball to me.

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