TIL: You can only cancel your Bally subscription on the same device you signed up for it on.

I’m so tired of the business model of “make it fucking impossible for anyone who no longer finds value in our service to unsubscribe.”

Can’t wait until Bally is reduced to a smoldering husk of bankruptcy papers.

  1. Had debated on subscribing already with how painful our season is going, no more debate needed after this

  2. I could be wrong, but you subscribed on another platform. Not a device. I think this is SOP for any app. If you purchase an app through Roku, you can’t log in to the same app on a Chromecast to manage that subscription.

    But Bally’s is a shit show and I hate them – but I don’t think this is on them. Maybe I’m wrong. Shrug.

  3. i made it 3 days into the 7 day trial and canceled. it was a horrible experience i will tell my kid about.

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