[Holder] I heard a version of the CJ Stroud/Manning camp story as well and it wasn’t egregious at all. He was a very last minute invite and ultimately decided not to rearrange his schedule to attend. That’s it.

smokescreen szn!

  1. Makes me sick to read this. I won’t stand for the media to share more than 5 to 6 more of these type of stories over the next week and possibly cause him to slide to us at 4!

  2. The media does anything to try and slander these young kids reputation and it’s sickening

  3. This dude was probably the same guy that asks the teacher if she is going to pick up the homework from the night before that she forgot about.

  4. If this helps Stroud fall to us, yes. Uhhh, he didn’t attend the Manning Passing Academy, he’s a bust! Texans don’t draft him!!

  5. He looks up to Deshawn Watson and Michael Vick …. all the red flags needed right there

  6. Hey, Holder, relax okay? We are up to something…. I was partying at OSU after a big win and I walked in to a restroom to see Stroud dumping in a urinal. Looked me right in the eyes and did it. I certainly wouldn’t pick him at 2 or even 3….

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