Liam on Instagram: “It’s official. I’m cancer free ”

Liam on Instagram: “It’s official. I’m cancer free ”

  1. Super happy for him that it’s gone so well. I almost can’t believe it. Cancer is the absolute fucking worst.

  2. No matter what happens the rest of the year, this is the biggest W of the White Sox season. Fuck cancer

  3. Would it be extreme to declare a blackout game if he returns during a home stand?

    I want to be at that game regardless.

  4. I beat cancer a few years ago, so I get a little misty-eyed whenever I see posts from people who are celebrating that they’ve beaten it too. The fact that it’s one of our guys, and a guy who is as awesome a person as he’s shown to be, it makes it that much sweeter.

    Congrats, Liam. I never doubted you for even a second.

  5. Amazing news from an awesome dude. Cannot wait to be there when he comes back. It’s going to be nuts! Hell yeah, Liam!!!

  6. Fucking thrilled for him and his loved ones! Liam is the man, it’s good he got through this so quickly

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