Let’s talk sleeve patches. Which of these major companies would you mind the least being a sponsor?

Let’s talk sleeve patches. Which of these major companies would you mind the least being a sponsor?

  1. I’m in favor of a sponsor who does Photoshop classes.

    Those are terrible, just terrible.

  2. As much as I’m “meh” on T-Mobile as a company, it would kinda fit the stadiums aesthetic.

  3. Dicks.

    Not only because it’s potty humor, but also because they are one of the least problematic companies listed here. Proton would be fine too.

  4. Whatever company pays us enough to actually pay for a DH, I don’t care how ugly it is. Can’t any worse than going from Blue/Green stadium colors to Pink

  5. Leavitt Group Northwest.

    You know. Go Call Bob.

    Real answer would be REI if we had to have a sponsor patch.

  6. As someone who works for Costco, I love the sentiment. But you’ll never see us on a patch because we don’t pay for advertisements lol 🙃🥲

    That said. I am a little surprised we don’t have Nintendo.

  7. If it’s the proton therapy center can I not hear about getting diagnosed with cancer on opening day anymore

  8. The realist in me thinks the Starbucks logo would make a ton of sense. But the coffee drinker with taste buds in me thinks it’s an awful idea.

    If forced to have a sponsor, I wouldn’t mind Microsoft or Nintendo.

    How about the Eskimo from Alaska Airlines?

  9. Costco because they have great pizza, think about the costco slices at the stadium for cheap

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