How bro be movin when he see that lane

How bro be movin when he see that lane

  1. Give it up for Ja’s toughness obviously playing through a lot of pain, but fuck, he has a blatant disregard for everyone’s safety including his own. Not surprising that he’s getting so banged up.

  2. He really is a once in a lifetime talent. His athleticism and ability to shoot is just out of this world. The grizzlies are going to win chips in the future no doubt

  3. All that talent but not a lick of sense. Not going to win a championship playing the way he does.

  4. I kinda expected “The Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal, Death–Defying Maniac” Sabu more than Jeff Hardy… unless you’re taking into account the off court stupidity as well.

  5. Someone needs to show up to the game with a “Temetrius Jamel Morant” sign. That is a automatic win!

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