Just noticed when the Lions picked Gibbs, MCDC takes a monster elbow to the ribs from BH and does his best to grit it out

Very obviously accidental in their excitement, but I laughed out loud watching MCDC play it off.

Just noticed when the Lions picked Gibbs, MCDC takes a monster elbow to the ribs from BH and does his best to grit it out
by u/DoctorClarkWGriswold in detroitlions

  1. Lmao he had to walk that shit off, I felt that in my soul sharp hits to the tummy are the worst

  2. I swear Minnesota and a few other war rooms were trying to copy Brad and MCDC’s war room swag and energy. Can’t match their energy though

  3. Surprised because it doesn’t look like much of a windup, but his body language is pretty telling

  4. No one loves his job more than brad, I haven’t felt that level of excitement since I was seven watching Ironman fly out of that big explosion

  5. I just laughed so hard I choked, what’s funnier than watching a grown man have to play off a painful body shot?
    You don’t sneak up on BH, BH sneaks up on you

  6. And this is why they took Gibbs, and are gonna trade Swift. He don’t take those hits like MCDC and just keep moving.

  7. There were a handful of people in the thread last night saying that the draft room wasn’t stoked at all for the Gibbs pick. They had to be listening on the radio or something

  8. And then almost got punched in the gut at the end… must be a thing at the HQ lol

  9. Imagine your boss reacting this way after hiring you. Shit warms my heart man football is so cool

  10. That elbow looked dangerously close to the liver 😂, almost put coach down for a ten count…..GRIT by Campbell personified.

  11. Hilarious. I feel like that guy BH high fived almost got a broke wrist too. Rod Wood I think.

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