NBA 75 Illustration

Something I’ve been working on for a year and a half. Initially wanted to have it done for the 75th anniversary at All Star Weekend, but got humbled quickly when I realized the scope of what I was trying to accomplish.

  1. Dope pic. Was the artist a Carmelo fan? He’s weirdly large in this.

  2. Is there going to be 28 more if these posts? I’ve seen one from r/Torontoraptors. But anyways amazing art!

  3. Man, I freaking love looking at this and seeing all the little choices you made. Some of my favorites:

    -MJ and LeBron back to back
    -The Bulls trio together
    -The Banana Boat crew together
    -The Answer and The Truth’s poses mirroring each other
    -KD and Russ facing away from each other
    -Kobe and Shaq
    -Stockton and Malone
    -Bill Russell being in the middle of 5 Laker greats (4 of them centers) and blocking the unlockable sky hook
    -Spurs greats together
    -2000’s era big men together(Timmy, Dirk, KG, Shaq)
    -Reggie Miller with the choke staring down Ewing
    -Dr J, Bird, Magic, and Steph making a diamond, arguably 4 of the biggest, if not the biggest, cultural trendsetters the game has ever had

    Anyway, if anyone noticed more cool things, let me know!
    Edit for formatting

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