[@mlbnetworkradio] “As soon as I said it, I cringed.” @PerezEd explains and apologizes for his comments on Sunday Night Baseball. @espn | #FernandoTatisJr | #MookieBetts | @StevePhillipsGM

[@mlbnetworkradio] “As soon as I said it, I cringed.” @PerezEd explains and apologizes for his comments on Sunday Night Baseball. @espn | #FernandoTatisJr | #MookieBetts | @StevePhillipsGM

  1. I want him to apologize for the whole night. Just a clown show. How is a national broadcast team so objectively bad? Several teams have local broadcasters that far surpass these doofuses.

  2. I want ESPN to apologize to Jon Miller and the late Joe Morgan for not renewing their contracts when they could for Sunday Night Baseball.

  3. ~~as there’s a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame.~~

  4. Every time I watch a game with these dogshit national broadcast commentators I understand why people find baseball boring. Because the commentary is so stale and lifeless (on top of typically being extremely biased). Just nine innings of zoned-out, mumbling bullshit.

  5. I have never understood when someone apologizes, that they have to explain WHY they said something. It is not about why you did something, it is about you DID.

  6. So he says it could have been anyone then names off 2 other Padres stars that it would have been insulting to say that to. Idk man ESPN needs to figure this out cause I’d venture to guess that the vast majority of people watching Sunday Night Baseball are the people who’s teams are playing and the commentary always seems to skew Dodgers. Would be nice to see Don and Mud get some national exposure. Maybe have them call the game with the Dodgers guys somehow.

  7. eduardo perez is horrible everytime i dont mind carl but i wish vaskershan was doin sunday night bb instead of morning games on nbc

  8. Just start tweeting him Don & Mud clips with “that’s what a broadcast looks like Eduardo”

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