Car’s Bumper Stickers Betray A Confusing Hodgepodge Of Sports Loyalties

Car’s Bumper Stickers Betray A Confusing Hodgepodge Of Sports Loyalties

  1. It’s the onion. And any fan from Nebraska gets to choose their pro sports wide open. They have no pro state teams

  2. As a Packers and Trail Blazers fan myself I feel personally attacked

  3. Im from Iowa but my grandma lived near Danbury when I was 4 or 5. She used to send me packer stuff for holidays. Been a Packers fan since. When I started pee wee baseball, I became a fan of Ozzie Smith and the Cardinals. I was a Sonics fan until they moved to which I became a Suns fan as that is where I live now. As a sports fan with no pro sports where I grew up, I got to make my own choices. The only team that I truly care about is the Packers though. GOPACKGO!

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