[Keim Report] Ron Rivera: “At the end of the day if they are not happy and they want to let me go, great. But at least the roster is in the position … you can feel good that this team is going forward.”

Interesting, short podcast with John Keim talking with Ron Rivera at the owners meeting. Ron implies he’s not trying to make any job saving moves. He wants to have a future oriented mindset. He also talks about what he sees in Sam Howell and what he can improve on.

  1. The roster is much improved Ron. However your biggest mistake was not taking a QB in 2020 you could’ve sat on and developed because these last two years that what we needed most.

    Thank you though for turning the roster around from the 2019 shit show that it was.

  2. You’re a good dude Ron, appreciate you. Lets go roll these boys this year and it will all sort out under competent ownership. Worst case you go coach Cal and play Pebble Beach every month.

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