Uniform Change

Can we PLEASE make these and our color rush jerseys our primaries.

Best colors in the league and we don’t make the best use of them imo. Black and GOLD. Not black and the crayon color used to draw white people.

And for the love of god fire whoever designed the fleur-de-dumpster fire that is the black helmet.

  1. The arm stripes with the darker more metallic gold is so good. When I play madden I make these my primary home jerseys. These with all black look fantastic. It’s time to make a change to our unis. Not a significant change, but something like this

  2. This seems to be raised so often I’m stunned the team haven’t picked it up! Surely they get the vibe it’s time for a change 🤞🏾

  3. I’ve been asking for this for 2 years now, these unis are beautiful and making our color rush our primary away is simply perfection

  4. Upvoted for fleur-de-dumpster fire! That helmet is an atrocity, and the combo at the end of the year only makes it work. Somebody in the organisation needs a stern talking-to.

  5. I actually did like the new black helmets, but definitely agree otherwise. I love the richer/deeper gold and wish we could see that more often. I think it looks way better than the pale gold it’s turned into

  6. Just fix the Gold pants and we’re in business. Too many different shades of gold.

  7. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re the “black and gold” anymore, more like the “black and white” because that’s all we ever seem to wear now. The gold is just such a clean, classic look and we really need to go back to wearing gold pants full time (like the 49ers).

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