Fox 5 Vegas: “Deal reached for Las Vegas ballpark bill, filing expected early next week”

Fox 5 Vegas: “Deal reached for Las Vegas ballpark bill, filing expected early next week”

  1. State Senator Scott Hammond confirmed the language of a proposal has been hammered down on paper and awaits the next steps.

    “The stadium itself is going to be an incredible stadium. I’ve seen some likely renderings of it, and it’s going to be spectacular. If you’re sitting right behind home plate you’ll be you’ll be looking at the Strip. If you’re the outfield, you’ll be looking at will be probably the the new Tropicana that they’ll build , and then whatever is behind that as well,” Hammond said, who has been in talks with the A’s delegation.

    A package for the 12-acre site will include financing for $395 million with a tax district to redirect tax revenue into bonds, Hammond said. A Major League Baseball store on the side of the stadium will sell gear from all teams.

  2. I love how they say they have a “deal” insinuating that a bill has somehow already passed when in reality they have “the language of a proposal has been hammered down on paper and awaits the next steps.” Meaning a draft of a bill that a senator and the governor were involved with.

    There’s no architect. No design. No real plan at all. Just the basics of an idea that’s held together with mental duct tape and gum and scribbled on to some paper.

    Don’t get me wrong. This is bad. But they’re hyping it up to be more than it is.

  3. The uncertainty has and still remains with the County Commissioners who have to approve issuance of the bonds. As of right now, there IS NOT a guarantee that they have all the votes they need which is why they have been heavily been lobbying at the County Commissioner level.

    If you have friends in Clark County, reach out to them and get them to contact their County Commissioner.

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