[Podcast P] DeMar Derozan: “We got some sad motherfuckers in the league. Being in the league so long you realize how many motherfuckers don’t love the game of basketball. Who just want everything that comes with it.” PG: “There are about 450 of us? It’s a good 75-100. STINKS. Good Dudes though.”

[Podcast P] DeMar Derozan: “We got some sad motherfuckers in the league. Being in the league so long you realize how many motherfuckers don’t love the game of basketball. Who just want everything that comes with it.” PG: “There are about 450 of us? It’s a good 75-100. STINKS. Good Dudes though.”

  1. A lot of people hate their jobs but stay cause the money is good. Making more money probably just doesn’t change that feeling

  2. nothing wrong with that. Some ppl dont love their job but like the money that comes with it

  3. Burnout is real, especially nowadays. Kids get shoved into endless leagues and tournaments before they’re even teenagers. Their bodies already have a ton of mileage on them before they even reach college. I’m sure many of the players in the league today stuck with it because they’re big/good and it pays incredibly well – not because they are enjoying themselves.

  4. Now it’s gonna be people trying to bring up which stars are being talked about when it’s none of them. It’s the dudes that play 11 minutes in the meaningless games then get their play cut to 3 minutes or DNP during a playoff push. Or guys that disappear in general. The biggest name they are talking about is Ben Simmons and he’s a special case

  5. I’d be in that STINKS group too if I was the NBA unless I was a superstar or on a championship caliber team. Seriously, what the point in caring when you got stacks on stacks in the bank and a bunch of fat guys with cheeto dust on their bibs shitting on you on social media everyday.

  6. I know people are shitting on Ayton but I feel like he’s a guy that did love the sport and it was beaten out of him. He had a coach make him lose his love of the game…not the first time and won’t be the last time it’s happened.

  7. This happens in every career though. Once something becomes a job it really sucks the fun out of it. And as you get older, different priorities in life like starting a family comes up and you start treating it more like a job.

  8. Not surprising. Think about the guys at the end of the bench. To make the NBA they had all literally had to be part of the top 1% out of the top 1% basketball players in the world. But then the come to realize all that they still likely at the bottom. They’ve grinded for years and have to constantly grind more to keep the spot every year. if the money wasn’t good they’d be out the door.

    I imagine the number would be way higher if salaries were what they were in the 90s but adjusted for inflation.

  9. My dream is to see Demar and Kyle back in Toronto to retire. Love this guy.

  10. Not basketball, but the best soccer players I ever played with/against had the most annoying “support” systems. I remember kicking around with a guy (who ended up going to a big east coast D1) on a freaking Saturday afternoon in high school for fun and his travel coach somehow tracked him down, chewed him out in front of all of us for not practicing, and made him leave the park with him.

    I suspect a lot of great athletes burnout before getting anywhere near the big leagues.

  11. I think a lot of you guys missing the point. He’s speaking on players that desire more from the game but don’t put in the work to get it. Not necessarily you have to love and cherish basketball every waking moment to become a good player.

  12. Probably referring to starters like Ayton or certain role players who think they are better than they really are like Poole.

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