Who did the NY media claim was cheating again?

For the record, I believe Judge is legit one of the best of the era. And he appears to me to be a standup dude that probably doesn’t need shortcuts.

When it happens twice tho… all I’m saying is when you run your mouth on the Rays without any evidence then be good enough at your job to take notice of your front yard

  1. This is so dumb. There’s 99% nothing to see here. Either they picked up the pitcher tipping his pitches somehow or, as he said, they were chirping and he just glanced over.

  2. I’m unsure if he was doing anything but boy would it be funny if this happened immediately after random accusations by a yankees radio host

  3. The NY media that you are mentioning about (Carton & Roberts) are not Yankee fans.

  4. its probably nothing but its still kinda funny that this article is released after those clowns accusing the rays of cheating lol

  5. Lol I really doubt they’re cheating. And if they’re just picking up pitches that the opposing team is tipping then that’s fair play.

    That said, it’s still pretty funny how they call us cheaters without evidence and then this happens.

  6. Judge is not cheating. However, there is more evidence for him to be cheating than there is evidence of the Rays cheating. That’s how stupid this whole thing is.

  7. This thread is pretty funny. Pretty sure it was meant as a joke about the hypocrisy of NY media but sounds like posters are taking it very literally.

  8. Yeah idk chief. I believe his story or that cheating narrative. Let’s not stup down to their level

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