[95.7] “Bob Myers has been offered an incredibly lucrative contract by the Golden State Warriors. And, the idea that Bob has made his decision and that Bob is very likely gone, is being wildly overstated.” – @Mark_T_Willard ‘s sourced report on Bob Myers (via @WillardAndDibs ).

[95.7] “Bob Myers has been offered an incredibly lucrative contract by the Golden State Warriors. And, the idea that Bob has made his decision and that Bob is very likely gone, is being wildly overstated.” – @Mark_T_Willard ‘s sourced report on Bob Myers (via @WillardAndDibs ).

  1. Tell ‘em Willard! Everyone’s jumping to massive conclusions and have practically put the nail in his coffin because Shams came out and repeated something we already knew (that talks were tabled back in December until the season was over) as if it was new intel that meant anything.

  2. Anyone else feel like it’s stay or retire/new career path for Bob? Would be hard to imagine him going elsewhere unless a team way outbids us

  3. Why does gsw want Myers back so bad. He inked Poole’s contract a year early, a massive blunder that derailed this season and possibly next- he didn’t even draft curry and klay thompson. I don’t think he recruited KD either. I think he’s one of the luckiest GMs ever frankly.

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