Himmy G Buckets

The G stands for Gets

  1. I mean as much as I love D Rose, in 2016 you pick Butler over Rose 10 times out of 10. One of the times the FO made the right decision, they just couldn’t do jack shit with it afterwards

  2. Hey at least we chose to go with Fred Hoiberg over Jimmy!(well over his 90 mil contract to be exact).

  3. My DUMB ass was that guy.
    I’ve always been salty at Jimmy over the D. Rose thing. So salty l’ve allowed it to blind me to just how great a player Jimmy is. I guess because l was hoping he wouldn’t become what he has. But, even the DUMBEST of dumbasses can’t deny hus greatness now. Nor the fact that in the end, he was right about who he thought he was.

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